UTAG threatens strike over illegal mining by end of September

The University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) has issued a stern ultimatum to the government, threatening a nationwide strike by the end of September 2024 if a total ban on illegal mining, commonly known as “galamsey,” is not imposed.

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Failed Government Efforts to Combat Illegal Mining

In a scathing statement, UTAG lambasted state-led efforts to combat illegal mining, condemning them as “failed and corruption-infested militarized battles.” The Association expressed deep concern over the extensive environmental damage caused by illegal mining, including the destruction of over 2.5 million hectares of forest cover, a 35% rise in respiratory diseases in mining communities, and an annual economic loss estimated at $2.3 billion.

A Dire Warning: Ghana’s Water Crisis Looms

UTAG warned that if the current trend continues, Ghana could be forced to import potable water within the next six years, highlighting the urgent need for decisive action. Illegal mining poses a severe threat to the nation’s future, as evidenced by a 45% decline in cocoa productivity this year and a significant economic toll.

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Health Risks and Environmental Damage

The Ghana Health Service has reported a troubling 35% increase in respiratory diseases in mining regions, linked to harmful chemicals like mercury, arsenic, and lead contaminating local water bodies and soil. UTAG has called on all Ghanaians to rally behind its demand for a comprehensive ban on all forms of small-scale mining, emphasizing that previous government interventions such as Operation Vanguard and Operation Flashout have been colossal failures.

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Call to Action: Ban All Forms of Mining in Sensitive Areas

“Let’s unite as a nation to protect the little we have left, safeguard the future of our youth, and chart a sustainable path to development,” UTAG urged, stressing the need for national solidarity. The Association reaffirmed its commitment to using “every constitutionally available tool” to enforce a ban, including forming alliances with other labor unions to take decisive action.

UTAG’s Final Warning: Strike Looms if Demands Are Not Met

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If the government fails to act by the end of September, UTAG has vowed to initiate a nationwide industrial action, warning that the stakes could not be higher. “Our lives depend on this,” UTAG declared, urging all citizens to support the movement to #BANgalamsey and “ban it for good.”

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