“National Service Personnel to Serve 6 Months in Military, Says Kennedy Agyapong”

Honorable Kennedy Agyapong, a key person in the New Patriotic Party after making his intentions of aspiring to be a President known delivers his campaign messages.

In a recent interview hosted outside the country, he states that Ghana is a very indiscipline country which needs new laws to be a disciplined one. He speaks about providing dust bins all across the country.

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Kennedy Agyapong further says that when he is sworn in as president coming 7th January, 2025, he will make all national service personnel serve six months in the military. After these 6 months, all those who would want to continue serving in the military will be retained for the additional 6 months period.

However, those who would also want to serve in other institutions will be given the chance to do so. This is a move by Honorable Kennedy Agyapong to curb the indiscipline he claims is in the country Ghana.

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